Oil, oily water or raw or untreated sewage shall not be discharged into the water or on land. All vessels shall be subject to inspection at any time by the Marina staff and other authorities to ensure that all sewage systems are Coast Guard approved and all through-hull valves are properly sealed to prevent illegal dumping while in port. All sewage systems on vessels must be U.S. Coast Guard approved and must be locked off while the vessel is docked. No porta-potties are permitted in the Marina. All spills of gas, diesel fuel, oil, or other hazardous materials must be reported immediately to all appropriate governmental authorities and the Marina Manager. Boats may only be washed with biodegradable soaps and the amount of soap used must be kept to a minimum. Removed paint chips, sanding debris, hazardous chemicals, including oil, engine coolant, hydraulic fluid, gasoline, diesel, paint and mineral spirits may not be allowed to enter the water or the ground and may not be left where they might be prone to leaking or spilling or exposed to rainwater. Proper disposal of all such sewage, oil products and chemicals is the sole responsibility of the boat owner. The Marina office may be contacted for approved disposal sites.

Garbage is not to be thrown overboard or stored on the docks. It must be placed in sealed plastic bags and placed in the dumpster provided. No oil products, paint or solvents, or other hazardous items are allowed in the trash. An oil disposal facility is provided at the Marina.

Noise should be kept to a minimum at all times. Discretion in operating engines, generating plants, radios, televisions, other sound producing devices and other power equipment should be used so as not to create a nuisance or disturbance.

Swimming, diving, and fishing are not permitted from the docks or finger piers.

No open fires, BBQ’s or cooking stoves are permitted on the docks in the Marina.

Absolutely no fireworks of any kind may be used or stored in the Marina. It is illegal to possess fireworks in a State Park. The Millerton Lake Marina is located within the State Park.

Pets are permitted only if they do not create any disturbance. All pets must be kept on a leash six feet or less, and under the immediate control of the owner at all times. Pet owners are responsible to clean up debris left by their pets. Marina reserves the right to bar any pet from the Marina.
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